Hello! I hope everyone is staying warm and cozy-it has been snowy around here (I wrote about how I ride out a winter storm here) but we may be headed for a little break this week? Fingers crossed.
Today I wanted to share one of the most popular items I sell in my little shop- the custom baby album. If you need a perfectly unique baby gift (for a shower, new adoption, new parent or grandparent) this is it! I wrote instructions to make your own here. I started making these years ago, when my cousins started having their own kids. I think they really like them ; ). I have since made a couple dozen for friends, family and my clients!
The layout is simple: one page a month. One 4x6 photo and a little space for journalling. Easy to keep up with and add a few details about the first year of a baby's life. I was intentional in keeping it simple, I really wanted this to be something a new mom or dad would enjoy adding to. They have enough they have to do, and memory keeping should be a joy-not a chore. I often wonder if the reason people do not take on a memory keeping project is because they think it has to be this all or nothing, add all the paper and stickers, write all the stories! That can be even more daunting when you are changing all the diapers, washing all the clothes and not sleeping at all. I believe that a little gift like this can be super easy to maintain and that's the beauty of it! Print one of the 1 zillion pictures you took that month (at 4x6 size you can even print a cell phone picture), add a couple of notes about what went on that month (what's new, what they ate, they started to crawl!, etc.). DONE.
Even though the design is simple, you can add tons of personality by choosing what colors/papers/elements go into each page! This was a gift, so I picked out the products myself (I linked to what I used below). We don't know the gender of little Baby B, so I chose this line from American Crafts that uses green, mauve, navy, kraft and white. Perfectly baby, right? I die cut the 'month' on my Silhouette and added a few bits and pieces from my stash to dress up each page. To hold the journal card i used these glassine envelopes.
Here you can see a little close up of the journal card I designed
Every book includes a pocket to stash the 'stuff'- cards, receipts, hospital bracelet. That 'where the heck do I keep this?' stuff.
What makes this project a great gift is how much you can personalize it for the family you are giving it to! I can make the pages as fussy or simple as you want, without losing the usability of the design. I'm in the process of finishing one with a more vintage look. Same design, but much more feminine and classic in style.
If you are looking for a really unique baby shower or new parent/grandparent gift, you can order one from my shop here. Once you've ordered I'll be in touch to choose out the book, paper and all the accessories- all included in the price! I can get it put together and shipped out in a week-so it will be ready to give!
Feel free to shoot me an email (gluegunky@gmail.com) or leave a comment here if you have any questions.
Thanks for stopping by!
Products Used For This Project:
Dear Lizzy patterned paper
Studio Calico wood veneer pieces
Freckled Fawn Wood Emoji
Freckled Fawn Enamel Dots
WRMK Gold Brads
My Favorite 8x8 Albums
Vellum Envelopes to hold journal card
Journal Card (my own design)