Hello friends!
I was doing a little online browsing and came across these really fun tassel earrings and fell in love- except they didn't come in the color I wanted. I was inspired to try and make them myself and a new workshop idea was born!
You can reserve your seat for the June 29th in person workshop HERE, but if you are not local I put together a short tutorial so you can join the fun from home. I also recorded the process and wanted to share my first video! (find that on my YouTube Channel HERE) I have wanted to share videos here forever, but I was really intimidated. I don't have a great video camera or microphone and so I put it off. Well, I did some short videos for National DIY Day and it was so empowering! Those videos gave me a little nudge to just DO IT. It is NOT perfect and it definitely took more than one take to get it right - but, hey I can only get better, right? Please enjoy and I hope to share more videos with your over the summer.
Let's get going on our earrings, shall we?
Supplies Needed (affiliate links to Amazon): small scissors, needle nose pliers, thick embroidery floss, earring hardware, a piece of stiff paper (cut to desired length of earring). You will only need ONE skein of floss and 2 sets of earring hardware. All these supplies can found at local craft stores!
1. Trim your stiff paper to the length you want your earring to be.Mine was about 3 inches. Wrap embroidery floss around paper as many times to achieve thickness desired for tassel. Do NOT separate strands of floss like you do with embroidery. I wrapped my floss about 30 times (you'll see in the video I just kind of eyeballed it, lol)
2. Cut floss, set paper aside. Cut a second piece of floss to about 20 inches.
3. Take that second piece and tie short end to top of tassel while it is still on the card. Gently slide wrapped floss off paper, keeping it together with your fingers.
4. Hold tassel in one hand and take the long end of second piece in the other. Wrap it around the tassel about 10-11 times to create the top of the tassel. Go slow and make sure each wrap is tight.
It should look like this!
5. This part can be a bit tricky - wrap the long end around one last time loosely, then tuck the end into the wrap and pull to tighten. That will secure the floss without using glue or any other adhesive! Once your wrap is secured, trim the loose end of the tassel to your finished length.
6. Using pliers, attach two jump rings and earring back to knot on top of tassel.
7. Now is the time to SQUEAL, because these are TOO CUTE and you made them with your own two hands. YAY YOU!
Did you have fun working along? If you do make your own tassel earrings, PLEASE share a pic with me on Facebook or Instagram @hotwheelsandglueguns. I LOVE seeing what y'all make with my tutorials! Need a little more visual instruction? Why don't you check out my YouTube video?
What other DIY's would you like to see here this summer? I have a list of posts to get tarted, but I would love to hear your ideas! Leave me a comment or shoot me a message.
Thanks for stopping by, be back soon!