Hello peeps! I have schemed up a last minute fun project I am really excited to share with you today.
Kindness starts with me...and YOU!
Did you know that February 12- 18 is OFFICIALLY Random Acts of Kindness Week? I knew there was a group out there promoting little acts of kindness around the world, but I had no idea the designated time would be this week. Until I read about it... last week. The day before I left for a three day conference. Not the best timing, but I was so inspired! I really wanted to celebrate - to embrace the idea and maybe get a few other crazy folks to play along. On the way home (I had a four hour drive) I can up with a crazy plan. Truth be told - I got the original idea from The Alison Show. She is so much fun and she sells these 'I'm Doing Awesome' tumblers. I thought, how fun (and random) would it be to pass out a little cup of fun to someone having a bad day? And the 'Swag Cup' was born (patent pending, just kidding)
So Monday night I made up 10 of the cups you see above. I filled them with: candy, confetti a few surprises, and a blank note card to encourage the recipient to keep the fun going.
YOU GUYS. I am so so excited. I am hoping they send me lots of IG messages and texts with pictures so I be a witness to their craziness. We will be sharing with #HotWheelsandRAK.
Care to join us??
As much as I wish I could send all of you a SWAG CUP, well......this is kind of a last minute thing. Instead, I created a few FREE downloads you can print at home to use for your own Random Act!
I don't want this to me an overwhelming or stressful activity.Simple plan, y'all.. Here's what to do:
1. Click over HERE to get your free downloads. Included in the download is 2 'You're Doing Awesome note cards, a note you can sign for your new friend, a tips sheet for playing along
2. Print out your note cards , sign your letter and put something with it. Maybe some candy, a flower, it doesn't have to be anything big, be creative!
3. Go out on Friday and give out your swag. If you can, snap a picture or two along the way. More on how to share that with me for a chance to be featured on social media below!
4. Bask in the glow that comes from making someone's day a little brighter, and that we were able to pull it off in just a couple of days! (crazy impromptu schemes for the win)
OK, one last thing. I really want this to be a group project. I want to see YOU! I want to see what you put together and hear who you gave it to! Share it with your peeps on Instagram and/or Facebook . Use #HotwheelsandRAK and I will be sharing your pictures all weekend long- I want keep the warm fuzzy feeling going.
So....have I convinced you? I hope so! Go now and get your goodies, and tell your friends! You can use the links below this post to Tweet, FB share or Pin on Pintrest. The more people we have spreading fun around the city the better IMHO
Leave me a comment below with a HELL YEAH! If you are going to play along.
xoxo, Michelle