Just popping in to share that I am joining the 100 Days of Happy Challenge, inspired by the folks at A Beautiful Mess. The idea to share a picture a day for 100 days of what makes you happy. Sounds very inspiring to me!
I think this quote from the website sums it up well:
I decided to join after having one of the best weekends I have had in a long time. Last year was a dud, as I have talked about before. So far 2014 has been pretty great and getting better! I am starting to feel like myself, like the generally happy person who could appreciate her life even when it, well.....sucked. I thought it would be a fun challenge and help me refocus back into a life I love. Can I find 100 things to be happy about? I am not sure.....
Follow me on Instagram and I will follow back! Leave me a comment below so we can all follow each other!
Whether you Twitter, Facebook or Instagram to share your pictures doesn't matter! Just make sure to include the hashtag:
I'll be back tomorrow to share a few Easter idea I cooked up this weekend, make sure to come back!