Free Fun Friday- 2014 Calendars

Hello peeps! How are those New Years' Resolutions going? What are you working on right now?

For the first Free Fun Friday of  2014 compiled a short list of free printable calendars I have pinned to my Freebies Pintrest Board. If you are like me, you may not have a nice desk calendar. I am pretty reliant on my iPhone to keep track or appointments and reminders, but I need to see the date sometimes, so I need something easy to access to stick by my desk. Plus, they are pretty, aren't they? To get to the calendar, just click on the picture or link below it. Check it out:

If you need planning pages, or calendars, or other helpful printables- Miss Tina's blog is a great resource!

This is the one I printing out for my desk!

Love the idea of writing out a goal or two each month keeping me on track!

This one reminds me of Charlie Haper. I think my aunt would love this one.


Happy clicking and don't forget to follow me on Pintrest
