Hey there!
In this post I shared a few Project Life freebies I've had fun using and I thought I would come back and share a little bit about how I use the Project Life in my own memory keeping.
If you are one of my non-scrapbooker friends, or if you scrapbook but are new to Project Life-here's the gist: It's a whole line of products that allow you to simply organize and document the pictures you take and the stuff you collect. There are different sizes and varieties of page protectors, and they all fit into 12 x 12 sized albums.
I use the original style:
these big pockets and these 6-picture ones from We R Memory Keepers. I mix them right into my yearly albums. I love having a place to stash little bits & pieces I collect during the year (like movie/theatre tickets, cards, etc. ). I use them to show off random pictures-everyday ones and events where I only have one or two. This way I still document my year, but I get more creative and expand upon the bigger stories.
Here's a couple of examples:
This is kind of a summary page. It's a group of Instagrams I took during my trip to Europe. I did an entire album with pictures of my trip, but I had these fun Instagrams that I posted along the way-mostly to keep my peeps up to date. They gave a nice snapshot of the two weeks. (I usually add a little title-but I haven't thought of one yet. Any suggestions?). supplies: paper-October Afternoon, journalling card: Elle's Studio)
One big picture. Or a large 8x10, 5x7, divided into the pockets. This is actually the title page for my 2012 album. I have never really done a yearly title page like this, but I saw it done on this blog and I loved it! And I love this picture. And this city.....but I digress.
My father and I have an annual date night to see Our Muskies play. It's kind of a tradition. It's just one day, and I have told this story for several years now, so I decided to document this years' game in one of my Project Life pages. I just added the pictures, my ticket and a title. Simple, and now I can look back at our night-and that AWESOME score. I do this type of layout often. With a birthday party, or a girl's night out, or when I get a few pictures from an event from one of my friends. A great memory that doesn't necessarily constitute a big layout.
#4 Like I said earlier the most common way I have incorporated the Project Life products into my scrapbooks is a few pages each month where I stick movie tickets, theatre tickets, postcards, menus from a good restaurant, screenshots of my outstanding Words With Friends score-all sorts of things that I hold onto and would get a kick out of seeing again. That part is getting seriously addicting-it takes me back to middle school when I had a journal that I kept EVERYTHING in-magazine pictures mostly, pictures of my friends....anything that the 13-year-old me thought was cool (and an impressive amount of NKOTB pictures ; ) ).
ok, I'm getting off track again.....
Thanks for stopping by and for letting me share a few of my current scrapbook pages with you! I would love to see you use some of the Project Life products to help you record your memories your own way.......If you have any questions-just leave me a comment!
Be back soon,