Hello there,
Having a nice weekend I hope? I am currently in Illinois hanging out with a few of my favorite peeps, so my weekend has been pretty great. I wanted to share two more projects I got into while I was off from work. Both used techniques that were new to me and took a little longer than expected. However, I love the way they both turned out.
{Wood Painting}
I saw this project on Elise Blaha's blog ( you may notice a trend here ; ) ) and I have always loved this quote. I needed something to hang on the wall that was a little longer than normal to cover an unfortunately placed electrical box. I bought a piece of plywood at Home Depot and they cut it into the right size for me!
1. I covered most of the plywood with white paint. I didn't worry about the edges because I was going to paint them black.
2. I tried to find old letter stickers to use, but I didn't have any that were large enough so I decided to cut my letters from vinyl using my Silohuette Machine. You could also hand cut letters, I think that would be kind of cool!
3. I finally had to draw lines to keep my letters straight.....it was driving me crazy. Using Elise's suggestion I did a light coat of white over the letters to create a seal. Then I paint over the whole sha-bang with two coats of black acrylic.
4. I let the paint dry then used an exacto knife to pry up the letters. Tht was easier said then done. I ended up fix a bunch of scraps, etc with a small brush.
Not sure if you see it in the picture, but the plywood gives it a cool texture. I really love the way this looks hanging in my kitchen.
{Pinwheel Painting}
Again, I was inspired by a project on her blog. I love love love hers, mine....I like it ok. I'm not sure why, maybe there is too much black in mine? I might add another color (maybe green?) over one or two of the black edges.
I didn't take any pictures in progress, but you can check out her project for details. Basically, you do one wedge at a time, using painters tape. Super easy, event though I went back over a few wedges with a different color. This guy is now hanging in my kitchen across from his pinwheel cousin. The kitchen opens up to the living room, so the colors were pulled from there.
Thanks for popping in, hope I've inspired you!