(an expression my SIL uses. It means you can say whatever is on your mind, and noone can judge you for it. We have a LOT of flame-free conversation late at night ; ) 
Here's my list:

p.s. This post is dedicated to AnnMarie, the creator of the FFC
Here's my list:
+ I don't really like talking on the phone. I do it because I have to. I really prefer seeing people in person.
+I hate onions. Always have. I don;t even know how to slice or cook one. When I was younger I picked them out of EVERYTHING (even spaghetti sauce), much to my mother's chagrin. I would do that now, if I thought I could away with it.
+ When I wash my sheets I am too lazy to make up the bed again, so I sleep on my mattress. That's lazy with intent-ha!
+ Speaking of my bed. I have been known on occasion to take a two hour nap. During the week, just because I can and I love napping. lazy.
+ When I clean up my dining room table and my living room I have an irresistible urge to get out my crafty stuff and make it messy again.
+ Sometimes my car gets atrocious. Like empty coffee cups, papers, the whole mess. I HATE cleaning out my car, but I LOVE how it looks when it clean.
+ I wish I had a case manager to make appointments, make decisions, generally run my life (sometimes). Being an adult can exhausting.
+ I get tickled at inappropriate times and can't help but laugh. Like at funerals. Or the zoo.
+ I tend to be really blunt and I don't think that people she get mad at me for saying what I think, but they do. I wish I was a better arguer. I just think I am right and people should agree with me. And I wish I could get people to do what I want all of the time.
+ My coworkers are hilarious and I love them.
+ I already have a Christmas wish list, and I feel kind of childish that I do. Is it selfish to get excited about getting presents? I hope not.
+ I also already know what I want to do on my birthday, which is two months away. Selfish.
+ I can be really cheap. I don't have cable. And I don't pay for the Internet. I 'borrow' it from someone who has a wireless signal in my building.
Whew, that is a long list. Are you judging me? ; )
OK, your turn. Fess up. I want each of you to leave me a comment with one confession. I need your dirt to make me feel better about mine-lol.
Thanks for playing along!
p.s. This post is dedicated to AnnMarie, the creator of the FFC