Allow Me To Tell You A Little About...

My friend Connor Anthony. He turned nine months old on Saturday.

Connorinaplaything 6-20-2010 5-51-02 AM

He hails from Maumee, Ohio. He recently grew himself a couple of teeth.

Connor 6-19-2010 4-09-57 AM

That means that he can now enjoy a little cereal, pureed fruit, and pretty much anything else he can put in his mouth.

MeConnor 6-19-2010 3-57-38 AM

However, he still enjoys the occasional bottle. Old habits die hard.

Connorinahat 6-19-2010 4-39-13 AM

He is a budding sports fan. He is innocent enough to believe the Reds really has it this year.

Let's hope he's right.

Connorinthechair 6-19-2010 4-46-51 AM

He enjoys long walks on the beach-in his stroller, and a cruise around the living room in Aunt Michelle's ride.

Connorandtheipod 6-19-2010 4-41-15 AM

He is already well versed in the world of technology.

You should also know that he loves tickles, tummy munches, naked time, rolling over,standing, pretending to walk, and squealing. Very loud. When he is happy, it is the best sound in the world. When he is not happy....well......

I learned much about my friend this weekend as we had a long weekend of getting to know each other in Cincinnati. I hope to learn much more about him in the future.

DadConner 6-19-2010 4-09-41 AM

I've grown kind of fond of him.
