Don't get me wrong, I LOVE a snow day, and I did ask for one. However, this particular winterstorm has decided to arrive during what was going to be a more than average week.
Tonight (Tuesday) was supposed to be the night that my friend Torrie and I cash in on her mystery Christmas present. I had surprised her with vague clues that were going to lead to some super fun. See:

Tommorow, I was heading up to Cincy with another friend Lisa to see Xavier play Charlotte. Actually, this game happens to be the day before Tom Bazeley's birthday, and we were going to celebrate.
Look how excited Lisa was:

Instead, we got 4 inches of snow and hours of ice and sleet last night. That pretty much spells doom for me and my wheelchair, so I have been home all day. I pouted for about three hours about not getting to do what I planned, but then I tried to make the most of the situation. I pulled out the supplied and started gettin' crafty. I finished up a rad scarf with a new pattern I got online. I will post pictures and the pattern tommorow for anyone interested. I made a few LO's for my scrapbook. And I spent WAY too much time on Facebook.
Tommorow I am going to try and stay busy, and maybe venture out around dinnertime. Are you snowed in? If so, here are a few internet gems to help pass the time. Enjoy!
{CHA SNEAK PEEKS} This message board is SERIOUS eye candy for all my scrappy friends
{THIS KID ROCKS} you have to admire his courage
{TRUE WORDS} about the Facebook hysteria. So guilty. In the past 24 hours I have learned more '25 Facts' about my FB friends. Don't know what I am talking about? Look at mine here
{COOL WALL TREATMENT} I want to do this in my apartment above my sofa
{APARTMENT THERAPY} My new favorite time waster. A lot of really good decorating ideas.

*Enjoy the snow!*
Tonight (Tuesday) was supposed to be the night that my friend Torrie and I cash in on her mystery Christmas present. I had surprised her with vague clues that were going to lead to some super fun. See:
Tommorow, I was heading up to Cincy with another friend Lisa to see Xavier play Charlotte. Actually, this game happens to be the day before Tom Bazeley's birthday, and we were going to celebrate.
Look how excited Lisa was:
Instead, we got 4 inches of snow and hours of ice and sleet last night. That pretty much spells doom for me and my wheelchair, so I have been home all day. I pouted for about three hours about not getting to do what I planned, but then I tried to make the most of the situation. I pulled out the supplied and started gettin' crafty. I finished up a rad scarf with a new pattern I got online. I will post pictures and the pattern tommorow for anyone interested. I made a few LO's for my scrapbook. And I spent WAY too much time on Facebook.
Tommorow I am going to try and stay busy, and maybe venture out around dinnertime. Are you snowed in? If so, here are a few internet gems to help pass the time. Enjoy!
{CHA SNEAK PEEKS} This message board is SERIOUS eye candy for all my scrappy friends
{THIS KID ROCKS} you have to admire his courage
{TRUE WORDS} about the Facebook hysteria. So guilty. In the past 24 hours I have learned more '25 Facts' about my FB friends. Don't know what I am talking about? Look at mine here
{COOL WALL TREATMENT} I want to do this in my apartment above my sofa
{APARTMENT THERAPY} My new favorite time waster. A lot of really good decorating ideas.

*Enjoy the snow!*