Happy Chinese Food New Year & Project 365

* Happy 2009 *

Have you made your resolutions? Have you broken them yet?

This year, I will make resolutions, but I am not sharing those. What I want to tell you about is a fun new project to make your new year a little more reflective, creativem, and thoughtful.


I read about this first on this blog. The idea has caught on and there are sites being set up all over the web. Basically, you want to take one picture a day, for 365 days. You could even do a couple for a week, or even one a week. The idea is to visually document your life, for one year.
Don't just take posed pictures or holiday pictures. But pictures of everyday life. Your coworkers, your car, your kids, your freinds, your favorite local spots, anything that makes your life unique.
May sound like a lot of work, but he idea is it will become a part of you living your life. It will fit nicely into whatever pattern you set up. Wouldn't it be nice to have a record of all those funny, everyday things that will experience this year? I also plan to record progress. Progress on my resolutions, things will imrove over the next year. 30 years from now that stuff will be fun to look back on.
Now before my non-scrapbooking freinds roll their eyes and think this is another of those 'crafty, cutesy, scrapbook' projects, it doesn't have to be. You can compile the pictures however you want. A video, a photo collage, a photo book you create online, whatever works for you. I will probably put mine in a photo album with a journal for each week.
There is a kit out there you can buy to put your pictures together. You can see it here. Maybe take that idea and make it work for you.

I decided to start on New Years Eve and go till December 31st of this year. You have seen picture number one, I like to call it 'A Chinese Food New Years;.

Day 2:

This is the view from the drivers seat of my Malibu. I look at this scene ALOT. TOO MUCH sometimes, so I thoguht I should document it. You will notice my cell phone perched at the ready, my GPS (mounted on my new Christmas present-thanks Dad and Dominica!), and my chair in the passenger seat. Ad, of course my necklace hangig from the rearview ready for a party.

This ran a close second:

(the door of the ladies room at Old Chicago Pizza-pretty funny)