how do you know when a jack o'lantern has drank too much?

October is one of my favorite months, there is so much to do and, around here the weather has been *beautiful*. Last weekend I made my first ever batch of these

and joined Torrie and her workers on their annual scavenger hunt. We had a ball: lots of walking, jumping on and off the party bus, and a bug or two was eaten.

I recently started my first online scrapbooking class. I had my reservations about taking it, but I really liked the teacher, and so far, it has been pretty fun. Here is my first assignment:

Look for more info on the Cathy Zielske's class here: DesignYourLife

Haunted houses are one of the best ways to celebrate the season, but I have yet to see one. Made a valiant effort this weekend (attempting the Danger Run with my fellow Halloween loving buddy Chris) but a DQ cheeseburger coupled with car sickness finally did me in. I will spare you gory details...WAAHHHH! I was so disappointed. Definitely going to try again next weekend.

Finally, the answer to the aforementioned question...